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Completely tax deductible, donate and help us grow this mission. Your donation will go toward us renting other movie theaters around the country in states that we are not present yet so thousands of more people can again experience and be moved by the greatest movie of all time. Because of you we will bring back the Passion of the Christ to the big screens.

Our goal is to bring The Passion of the Christs back to theaters in all 50 states. Please contact us if you would like to join our team and help make history, bypassing the red tape of movie distribution and getting the Passion back into theaters in every state. All we need is ONE person (or team) in each state so your state is counted. Be your state's hero and contact us now.

Become A Theater Sponsor In Your State.

I Want To Be My State's Hero
Join The Waiting List For Austin, TX

20th Anniversary Celebration

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the film.

It's An Experience,

Not Just A Movie

The year is the 20th anniversary since the Passion of The Christ hit the big screens. In its honor, join us for FREE to watch the greatest movie of all time. The sponsors below have teamed up to bring this incredible movie experience back to the big screen FREE of charge to those that register a seat to attend. Sign up right away because seats are free and are going fast. All attendees need to sign up individually. "Plus one" tickets will not be issued.

Countdown To Movie Time!


Start your year off right and experience the miracle of Christ's love from the Cross.


Alamo Drafthouse

Cinema South

1120 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX78704

(Theatre #5)


Anyone who has always wanted to experience the movie in a theater setting, now is your second chance.


We will provide email updates leading up to the date to all registered guests.


Good Friday

Friday, March 29, 2024

6:30pm Start Time


Because it's the 20th anniversary from when the greatest movie of all time was released, changing the world.

Join The Movement

Become a theatre sponsor in your state and help us reach our goal of showing the Passion on the big screen in all 50 states.

About The Film

"The Passion of the Christ" is a 2004 biblical drama film directed by Mel Gibson.
Here are some highlights and facts about the movie:

  • Director and Co-Writer: Mel Gibson directed the film and co-wrote the screenplay with Benedict Fitzgerald. The film primarily focuses on the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ's life, depicting the events leading up to his crucifixion.
  • Language: The film is notable for its use of ancient languages. The dialogue is primarily in Aramaic, Latin, and Hebrew, with English subtitles. This decision aimed to provide a sense of historical accuracy.
  • Authenticity & Cinema Genius: "The Passion of the Christ" is known for its intense portrayal of the physical and emotional suffering of Jesus during his crucifixion. The art and cinema Director and Producer Mel Gibson crafted into the film shook the world in a way a movie had never done before.
  • Casting: Jim Caviezel played the role of Jesus Christ. Other key cast members include Maia Morgenstern as Mary, Monica Bellucci as Mary Magdalene, and Hristo Shopov as Pontius Pilate.
  • Financial Success: The film was a major box office success. It became one of the highest-grossing R-rated films in the United States and internationally. It grossed over $600 million worldwide.
  • Religious Impact: "The Passion of the Christ" garnered attention and discussion not only for its cinematic qualities but also for its religious implications. The film impacted the viewer so deeply that murderers and criminals all over the globe starting turning themselves in to repent as well as many documented conversions and reversions back to Jesus Christ.
  • Awards: While the film received three Academy Award nominations (Best Cinematography, Makeup, and Original Score), it did not win in any of the categories. The lack of recognition in major categories was notable considering the film's financial success and cultural impact.

"The Passion of the Christ" remains a significant film in cinematic history, known for its distinctive approach to storytelling and its impact on discussions about Faith.

  • Total Worldwide Gross: The film grossed over $611 million worldwide, making it one of the highest-grossing religious films in history.
  • United States Box Office: In the United States, "The Passion of the Christ" grossed over $370 million, making it the highest-grossing R-rated film domestically at the time of its release.
  • International Success: While the film's was a global success grossing over $240 million in various international markets.
  • Opening Weekend: "The Passion of the Christ" had a strong opening weekend, grossing over $83 million in the United States during its first weekend of release.
  • Limited Release Strategy: The film's success was partially attributed to a strategic marketing and distribution approach. It was released during Lent, a period leading up to Easter, and initially had a limited release in select theaters, gradually expanding to a wider audience. Christian churches and communities from around the globe are to be thanked for this.
  • Impact on R-Rated Films: The film's success challenged the conventional wisdom that R-rated films had limitations in terms of box office potential. "The Passion of the Christ" demonstrated that a film with strong religious content could attract a wide audience.
  • Cultural Impact: Beyond its financial success, the film had a significant cultural impact, sparking debates and discussions as well as equally touching the hearts of so many people like criminals, converts and reverts alike. Encouraging everyone to strive to be better.

THANK YOU to our sponsors who made this experience possible.